Associate Professor
Office: Room C 334
Phone: +91 80 2293 2433
E-mail: sriramg@iisc.ac.in
Home page
Current Research areas
Signal Processing
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Auditory Neuroscience
Speaker and Language Recognition
Speech Enhancement and Recognition
Educational History
- Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, USA 2012
- ME IISc, Bangalore – 2006
- BE College of Engineering, Trivandrum -2004
Courses offered in the last five years
- E9 261: Speech Information Processing
- E9 205: Machine Learning for Signal Processing.
Awards / Honours / Affiliations
- 2022 Verisk AI Faculty Research Award
- Nominated as the Chief Editor of the SigPort of IEEE Signal Processing Society Education board.
- Member of International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).
- Member of IEEE Signal Processing Society.
- Master Inventor IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY, USA. 2015.
- High quality tutorial presentation, Interspeech-2014, Singapore.
- Graduate assistant fellowship 2009-2011, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University.
- Prof. ISN Murthy medal for the best outgoing M.E. student in signal processing, Electrical and Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, 2006.