Open Day 1st March 2025

 list of demos from SPIRE Lab:
  1. Think Before You Stress!
  2. Lazer Audio Spy
  3. Formbot
  4. Speech hurdle
  5. Track It Out: Mapping the Vocal Tract
  6. Mimic Masters
  7. Yell at Mario
  8. Talking Tom
  9. Speech Probe (ALS)
  10. Wanna be a Sound Engineer
  11. Experience Spatial Audio
Demos from Power Electronics Group.
  1. Musical Induction Motor Drive
  2. Linear Switched Reluctance Motor
  3. Magnetic Levitation and Rotation/Linear Motion
  4. Demonstration of B-H loops and inductors
  5. Demonstration of reconfigurable EV chargers
  6. PV MPPT demonstration
  7. Power Electronics Components and Power Converters
