3rd talk of the “TCE Lecture Series on Power Systems”


Speaker: Prof Ramakrishna Gokaraju of University of Saskatchewan, Canada Title: High-Speed Digital Relaying & Transient Stability Prediction/Controlled Islanding to Prevent Large-Scale Blackouts (Poster) Abstract: Keeping the lights “on”, an axiom in power systems engineering has taken on a new level of complexity with increasing pressure on the existing network to deliver more power over existing infrastructure. […]

Lecture by Prof. Mainak Sengupta @4.00pm


Title: Induction heating : basic principles and power converters Speaker: Prof. Mainak Sengupta, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIEST Shibpur Venue: Multimedia Classroom (Hybrid Mode), Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science Date and Time: Friday 19/08, 4:00 pm Meeting Link: Click here to join the meeting Abstract: Induction heating is a non-contact and […]

Thesis Colloquium of Ms. Mani Madhoolika Bulusu


Degree Registered: M.Tech.(Research) Advisor: Prof. Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula Title: Interpolation of Digital Elevation Models Using Generative Adversarial Networks Venue: Multimedia Classroom (MMCR), Department of Electrical Engineering, IISc Date & Time: August 24, 2022; 4 PM onward (coffee will be served during the talk) Abstract: A digital elevation model (DEM) is a three-dimensional representation of elevation […]

Thesis Colloquium of Manish Tathode @3.30pm


Title:  Fast and Compact Voltage Equalizer for Satellite Applications.Advisor: Prof. Vinod John.Date and Time: Monday, 29th August 2022, 3.30 pm.Location: MMCR, EE Department.Meeting Link: click here for Meeting Link Abstract: Lithium-ion batteries have now become an critical constituent of Electrical Power System of solar-powered satellites due to their high energy density, wider operating temperature range […]

Thesis Colloquium of Anurenjan P. R.


Venue, Date and Time: MMCR, EE, IISc. 9-9-2022, 2.30-3.30pm. Teams link - https://tinyurl.com/3bpmjxkx . Title: Dereverberation of speech using frequency domain linear prediction Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sriram Ganapathy Abstract : The speech-based technologies are radically changing the way we interact with systems and how we access information. In many of these applications, the users prefer to interact with […]

Online Lecture by Dr. Mohammad Hedayati @5pm

Title: High Voltage DC Circuit Breakers (HVDC CB) Speaker: Dr. Mohammad Hedayati, Dyson Technology, UK. Time and Venue: 5 pm, MS Teams/Online mode (Link provided below) Abstract: The main challenge of the DC meshed grid is the lack of suitable fault protection devices. The AC circuit breaker cannot be used in the DC system as in DC there is […]

Thesis Defence of Mr. Ahmad Arfeen @ 11am


Title:  Data Efficient Domain Generalization Faculty Advisor: Prof. Soma Biswas Examiner: Prof. Venkatesh Babu R. (CDS, IISc) Date: Monday, September 26, 2022 Time: 11:00 AM Venue:  MMCR (EE dept) Abstract: For the task of image classification, in general, the test data is assumed to come from the same distribution as the training data. But this […]

Thesis Defence of Mr. Paawan Kirankumar Dubal

Thesis Title: Cyber Attack Resilient Breaker Failure Protection Scheme Using Wide Area measurements Name of the Advisor: Prof. Sarasij Das Degree Registered: M.Tech-Research Date and Time: 6th October, 2022, 3:00 PM IST Online Meeting Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWZkYzViOWQtNWIzYi00MWQ1LWE1ZTMtNzcwOTUxM2JkNGM0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226f15cd97-f6a7-41e3-b2c5-ad4193976476%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2240bc61c0-cc62-49a2-80af-a06745a651ac%22%7d Abstract: Breaker Failure Protection (BFP) is a backup protection that comes into play when a circuit breaker fails to isolate the […]

Thesis Colloquium of Mr. Shreyas Ramoji @3pm


Date: October 7th, Friday, 3-4pm Degree Registered: PhD Venue: EE, MMCR and in Microsoft Teams at https://tinyurl.com/2rfbs7ke Thesis Title: Supervised Learning Approaches for Language and Speaker Recognition Abstract: In the age of artificial intelligence, one of the important goals of the research community is to get machines to automatically figure out who is speaking and […]

Thesis Defence of Mr. Jerrin Thomas Panachakel


Degree Registered:      Ph.D. Date and Time:            Oct. 11, 2022 (Tuesday)  12 Noon Venue:                           MMCR, Hall No. C 241, II Floor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering. MS Teams Link:            https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a7nfRrQdIH7fPf5u003TVCBAp18cRM7dyFwv1eqJRGjY1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=53beb192-2a2f-4f20-8a0c-dbb67a65f532&tenantId=6f15cd97-f6a7-41e3-b2c5-ad4193976476   Title: Machine Learning […]

Thesis Defense of Kiran Kumar Challa


Degree registered: PhD Thesis Title: Algorithms and Testbed for Synchronous Generator Parameter Estimation Guide: Prof. Gurunath Gurrala Examiner: Prof. K. Shanti Swarup, IIT Madras Date & TIme: 13th October 2022, Thursday, 3pm – 4.30pm Mode:   Hybrid mode, both Teams and Physical Venue: MMCR, 1st floor C-wing, EE Department, IISc Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your […]

Thesis Defence of Anwesha Roy

Degree Registered:  M. Tech. (Research) Guide: Prof. Prasanta Kumar Ghosh Date  & Time: 19th October, 2022, Wednesday, 4:00 PM Venue:     Online link : https://tinyurl.com/3rystxed Title: Improved air-tissue boundary segmentation in real-time magnetic resonance imaging videos using speech articulator specific error criterion Abstract: Real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rtMRI) is a tool used exhaustively in speech science and […]