PhD Thesis Colloquium of Praveen Kumar Pokala @ 4pm

Event : Thesis Colloquium Title : Robust Nonconvex Penalties for Solving Sparse Linear Inverse Problems and Applications to Computational Imaging Speaker : Praveen Kumar Pokala Degree Registered : PhD Advisor : Prof. Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula Date : 06/08/2021 Venue : Online Abstract : Sparse linear inverse problems require the solution to the l-0-regularized least-squares cost, […]

PhD Thesis Defence of Aravind Illa

Thesis Title: Acoustic-Articulatory Mapping: Analysis and Improvements with Neural Network Learning Paradigms Abstract:  Human speech is one of many acoustic signals we perceive, which carries linguistic and paralinguistic (e.g: speaker identity, emotional state) information. Speech acoustics are produced as a result of different temporally overlapping gestures of speech articulators (such as lips, tongue tip, tongue […]

Seminar by Dr. Prem Ranjan

Title: Sustainability through High Voltage Engineering and Research Abstract : Through this talk, we will take a glance at applications of high voltage engineering in three different sustainable technologies. (a) Direct application of high voltage and pulsed power will be shown for economical generation of nanoparticles (NPs) through wire explosion process (WEP). Control of NPs […]

Thesis Defence of Indla Rajitha Sai Priyamvada

Thesis Title: Analysis and Enhancement of Stability of Power Systems with Utility-scale Photovoltaic Power Plants Guide: Dr. Sarasij Das Abstract: Owing to the negative impact of carbon emissions on the environment, power systems are experiencing a paradigm shift in power generation. The fossil fuel-based generators that utilize synchronous machines are increasingly being replaced by the […]

PhD Thesis Defense of Mr. Shome Subhra Das

Date and Time: November 17, 2021 (Wednesday)  11.15 AM Click here to join the meetingExternal Examiner: Prof. Gaurav Harit, IIT Jodhpur Title: Techniques for estimating the direction of pointing gestures using depth images in the presence of orientation and distance variations from the depth sensor Abstract: Currently, we interact with computers, robots, drones, and virtual reality […]

M.Tech.(Research) Thesis Defense of Mr. Vinayak Killedar


Title of the thesis: Solving Inverse Problems Using a Deep Generative Prior Supervisor: Prof. Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula (EE) Examiner: Prof. Sumohana Channappayya (EE, IIT Hyderabad) Abstract: The objective in an inverse problem is to recover a signal from its measurements, given the knowledge of the measurement operator. In this thesis, we address the problems of compressive sensing (CS) and […]

PhD Thesis Defense of Mr. Jitendra Kumar Dhiman

Date and Time: November 24, 2021,  11 AM. Click here to join the meeting Title of the thesis: Spectrotemporal Processing of Speech Signals Using the Riesz Transform Examiner: Prof. S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, IIT Dharwad and IIT Guwahati Abstract: Speech signals have time-varying spectra. Spectrograms have served as a useful tool for the visualization and analysis […]

EE PhD Thesis defense of Rejesh N A @3pm

Guide: Prof.. Muthuvel Arigovindan Title: Novel Regularized Image Reconstruction Methods for Sparse Photoacoustic Tomography Examiners: Prof. Michael Liebling, IDIAP Switzerland, and Prof. Hari Varma, IIT Bombay Date and Time: 7th December 2021 (Tuesday): 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm Venue : Online through Microsoft Teams. Click here to join the meeting Summary: Among all tissue imaging modalities, […]

PhD Colloquium of Asha Radhakrishnan @3pm

Title of the Thesis: Protection of Transmission and Distribution Networks in Presence of Converter – Interfaced Renewable Generators Advisor: Dr. Sarasij Das Degree Registered: PhD (Eng.) Click here to join the meeting Abstract: Power generation from conventional sources like fossil fuels is widely being supplemented by renewable power sources. An increasing degree of penetration of renewable generators […]

MTech(Research) Colloquium of Paawan Kirankumar Dubal @3.30pm

Guide: Dr. Sarasij Das Title: Cyber Attack Resilient Breaker Failure Protection Scheme Using Wide Area measurements Name of the Student: Paawan Kirankumar Dubal Date and Time: 16th December, 2021, 3:30 PM click here for  the Meeting Link Abstract: Breaker Failure Protection (BFP) is a backup protection that comes into play when a circuit breaker fails to […]