EE and CPS Seminar by Prof. Ketan Savla


Title: Microscopic Traffic Flow Control Date: 21 October Time: 2:15pm Venue: EE MMCR Abstract: Design and performance evaluation of traffic control techniques such as ramp metering are typically based on macroscopic traffic flow models. These models, obtained by spatio-temporal averaging of microscopic vehicle-to-vehicle/infrastructure interactions, do not have sufficient resolution to model safety, or to study […]

EE Faculty Colloquium by Prof. A G Ramakrishnan


Title: Analyzing patterns in EEG: from biometrics to altered states of consciousness Speaker: Prof. Ramakrishnan A. G., MILE Lab, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science Venue: EE MMCR Time: 4pm, 21 October 2022 Abstract: The electrical activity of brain, the key control organ of our body, carries a lot of information about our […]

Online Thesis Defence of Ashiq Muhammed P E

Degree Registered:              Ph.D. Guide:               Prof. Satish L and Prof. Udaya Kumar Thesis Title:     Improved Understanding of Standing Waves in Single Layer Coil and Elegant Methods to Estimate Transformer Winding Parameters Click here to join the Meeting Abstract: Analyzing the effect of impulse voltages (like lightning, switching) on transformer […]

Lecture by Prof. Carlos Busso


Organised by Indian Institute of Science and The IEEE Signal Processing Society, Bangalore Chapter Title: Robust Emotion Recognition (Click here for the poster) Date and Time: 9th November 2022 at 2:00pm, Refreshments: 3:00pm Venue: MMCR (Room No. C241, 1st Floor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Abstract of the talk: It is challenging to achieve robust and […]

Thesis Colloquium of Sayantan Das

Thesis Title:  Modeling of lightning attachment to aircraft and  quantification of the influencing parameters Guide: Prof. Udaya Kumar Degree registered:          Ph.D. Date and Time:              11th November 2022, 9:30 AM Meeting link:         Abstract: According to Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), 45 million aircraft took off worldwide in 2020, which translates to 1.5 lakh per day. […]

Lecture by Dr. Ganesh Sivararaman


Indian Institute of Science and The IEEE Signal Processing Society, Bangalore Chapter Cordially invites you to the following talk on “Unsupervised adaptation in speech technologies” (Click here for the poster.) Speaker: Dr. Ganesh Sivaraman, Pindrop, Atlanta, USA Date and Time: 11th November 2022 at 11:30am to 12:30pm Venue: MMCR (Room No. C241), 1st Floor, Dept. […]

Thesis Defence of Meshineni Deepchand

Degree Registered:              M.Tech(Res). Guide:                                    Dr. Rathna G N Venue:                                    MMCR EE, C 241 Date & Time:          […]

Thesis Defence of Mr. Unni V S

Degree Registered: PhD (Engg). Guide: Prof. Kunal Narayan ChaudhuryDate: November 18, 2022.Time: 2:30 pm.Venue: Online.Link: MS Teams link: Efficient and Convergent Algorithms for High-Fidelity Hyperspectral Image Fusion.Abstract: Hyperspectral (HS) imaging refers to acquiring images with hundreds of bands corresponding to different wavelengths of light. HS imaging has a wide range of applications such as remote […]

Thesis Colloquium of Mr Bidhan Biswas

HV seminar Hall

Degree  Registered:   Ph.DThesis Title:                Short Circuit and Open Circuit Natural Frequencies of 3-Φ Transformers: Derived Analytical Expressions and its ApplicationsGuide:                          Prof. L. Satish Date & Time:               Wednesday, 23 November 2022, at […]

Seminar by Dr. Subhash Lakshminarayana


Title: IoT-Based Load-Altering Attacks Against Power Grids Date: 09-12-2022, Friday Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Venue: MMCR of EE Department, Room No: C-241 (First floor) Abstract: Large-scale Internet of Things (IoT)-based load-altering attacks can have a major impact on power grid operations such as causing unsafe frequency excursions and destabilizing the grid's control loops. […]

Lecture by Dr. Raveesh Magod


Title: Powering the Future – Research and Current Trends Shaping the Next Generations of Power Management ICs Date and Time: 13th December 2022 at 3pm Venue: MMCR EE Abstract: Power management has been a key enabler for a variety of ever increasing modern day electronic applications like smartphones, data center servers, electric vehicles and smart […]

Thesis Colloquium of Mr. Debarpan Bhattacharya


Degree Registered: MTech Resesarch Title: A Learnable Distillation Approach For Model-agnostic Explainability With Multimodal Applications Advisor: Prof. Sriram Ganapathy Date and Time: Tuesday, Dec 20th , 11am Venue:  MMCR, Electrical Engineering, IISc. Abstract: Deep neural networks are the most widely used examples of sophisticated mapping functions from feature space to class labels. In the recent years, several high […]