Office: Room A 211
Phone: +91 80 2293 2695
Email: css@iisc.ac.in
Current Research areas
Speech/Biomedical/Image Processing
Sampling Theory
Compressed Sensing
Neuromorphic Imaging
Inverse Problems in Computational Imaging
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
AI for Digital Healthcare.
Educational History
- Postdoctoral fellow Ecole polytechnique f’ed’erale de Lausanne 2006-2009
- Ph.D. IISc, Bangalore – 2005
- B.E. Osmania University College of Engineering, Hyderabad 1999
Courses offered in the last five years
- E9 201: Digital Signal Processing
- E9 213: Time-Frequency Analysis
- E9 241: Digital Image Processing
- E9 282: Neural Signal Processing
Awards / Honours / Affiliations
- Outstanding Editorial Board Member Award 2022, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- Member, IEEE Computational Imaging Technical Committee
Recipient of the Digital Health prize at the National Bio-Entrepreneurship Competition (NBEC) 2018 organized by Department of Biotechnology – Biotechnology Industrial Research Assistance Council (BIRAC).
Recipient of Prof. Priti Shankar Teaching Award 2013 for Assistant Professors (Engineering) by IISc
- Senior Member, IEEE.
- Vice-Chair and Treasurer, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Bangalore Chapter,
- Secretary, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Bangalore Chapter (2011-2013).
- Affiliate member, IEEE Signal Processing Education Standing Committee.
- Affiliate member, IEEE Signal Processing Theory and Methods
- Affiliate member, IEEE Bio-imaging and Signal Processing Technical Committee
- Member of Optical Society of America, U.S.A., since 2008.
- Member of International Speech Communication Association, France, since 2010.
- Member of The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers,
New Delhi, India, since 2010. - Intellectual Ventures Invention Award, 2011
- Intellectual Ventures Invention Award, 2010
- IBM India Research Labs Research Student Fellowship Award (2001-2004)
- First prize in the 2001 IEEE Bangalore Chapter Student paper contest
- Special prize in 2004 IEEE India M.V. Chauhan student paper contest
- Best Thesis Award for the undergraduate dissertation titled, “Estimation
of Eigensubspace,” 1999. - Best Student Award from Department of Electrical Communication
Engineering, Osmania University, Andhra Pradesh, India, 1999. - Prof. K.K. Nair Commemoration Gold Medal (Undergraduate studies) from
Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Osmania University,
Andhra Pradesh, India, 1999. - Srinivasa Ramanujam Gold Medal in three consecutive years (1997, 1998,
1999) at the Undergraduate State-level Mathematics Olympiad, Andhra