Information – Alumni
Electrical EngineeringDear Alumnus,
Welcome to your alma mater!
Your department is now over a hundread years old. The alumni have played a large role in the department maintaining its reputation as a top-level academic department.
Department of Electrical Engineering at IISc, originally called Department of Electrical Technology, was started in 1911 as one of the first two departments at IISc. During the early decades of last century, it was one of the very few places in India where research work was carried out in the then emerging area of Electrical Engineering. Over the last one hundred years, this department has richly contributed to the growth of Electrical Engineering research and education in India. The alumni of this department have held prominent positions in both national and international academic institutions, industry and government organizations.

The department of EE and HVE are joined together in 2005 and hence all the alumni of erstwhile HVE department are now alumni of this EE department.
On the occassion of the centenary of the department during 2011, we have started an alumni database. You can register your details in the alumni database and also search for anyone in the database. We request you to please register if you have not already done so. This will enable us to communicate more effectively with our alumni in future.