Kunal Narayan Chaudhury
Associate Professor
Office: Room C 322
Phone: +91 80 2293 2372
E-mail: kunal@iisc.ac.in
Home page
Current Research areas
Computational Imaging, Convex Optimization, Machine Learning.
Educational History
- Postdoc, Princeton University (2011-2014)
- PhD Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), 2011
- ME Indian Institute of Science, India 2005
- BE Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India 2003
Courses offered in the last five years
- E0 298: Linear Algebra And Its Applications.
- E0 350 : Advanced Convex Optimization.
- E0 299: Computational Linear Algebra.
- E0 265 : Convex Optimization and Applications.
Awards / Honours / Affiliations
- SERB-STAR Research Award (2021) from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
- Associate Editor (2022-), IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
- Associate Editor (2021-), IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
- Senior Editor (2016-2021), SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging.
- Senior Member, IEEE.
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- Gold medal, M.E. in System Science and Automation, Department of Electrical Engineering, IISc.