Current Research areas
Studies on transformer windings
Frequency response analysis
Fault localization
Testing of high-speed high-resolution ADCs
Educational History
- Post-Doc: ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland, 1993 – 1995
- Ph. D Dept of High Voltage Engineering, 1993
- M.E Dept. of High Voltage Engineering, 1989
- B.E Electrical Engg., UVCE, Bangalore
Courses offered in the last five years
- E5 209 (3:0)- Overvoltages in Power Systems
- E5 206 (3:0)- High Voltage Power Apparatus
Awards / Honours / Affiliations
- Editor of IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery & Associate Editor of IET High Voltage
- INAE Young Engineer Award 1999
- Tag Corporation medal for Best M.E. Student, 1989
- Bangalore University medal for Best B.E. Student, 1987
- Senior Member, IEEE