Associate Professor
Office: Room No. C 332
Phone: +91 80 2293 3557
E-mail: kbasu@iisc.ac.in
Home page
Current Research areas
High frequency link DC-AC converters: Topology, Modulation (PWM, Resonant, DAB etc.) and Control
Characterisation of and design with emerging Power Semiconductor devices such as SiC, GaN etc.
PWM techniques for multi-phase and multi-level high power motor drive.
Embedded systems design for power converters
High frequency and high-power magnetics.
Educational History
- PhD in Electrical Engineering with a Minor in Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA, 2012.
- MSc (Engg) in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore India, 2005.
- BE in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpore, India, 2003.
Courses offered in the last five years
- E3 252: Digital Controllers for Power Applications
- E3 252: Embedded Systems Design for Power Applications
- E6 225: Advanced Power Electronics
Awards / Honours / Affiliations
- Dr John D and Barbara E. Holm Fellowship, University of Minnesota, USA, 2007
- IEEE Senior Member
- Past Chair IEEE PELS Bangalore Chapter
- Present Chair IEEE IES Bangalore Chapter
- Prof. Priti Shankar Teaching Award for Assistant Professors 2020
- one of the Associate Editors of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics