Research Interests
- EHV / UHV transmission, Insulation Engg, Pollution flashover & Multi stress aging studies on Ceramic / Composite Insulators
- Surge arresters & Surge protection devices, Lightning protection to HV equipments, Avionic modules & Telecommunication equipments
- Condition monitoring, Failure analysis and testing of High Voltage Apparatus
- Corona, Radio interference, Application of Numerical Techniques to HV Engg, Earthing / Grounding
- Developmental Studies on High Power and High Temperature High Current Low-sag Conductors & Accessories
- Application of Power Electronics to Solar PV systems, Renewable Energy, Smart grids & Smart metering
Research Collaboration
- Loughborough University, United Kingdom
- University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Courses Offered
- Advances in UHV Transmission and distribution NPTEL / MOOC, On line Certification course(July - Sept 2017) (Subba Reddy B)
- E5 - 201: Production, Measurement and Application of High Voltage (2:1, Aug-Dec) (B S Rajanikanth & Subba Reddy B)
- E5 - 231: Outdoor Insulation (2:1, Jan-April) (Subba Reddy B & Udaya Kumar)
- E5 - 232: Advances in Electric Power Transmissiom (2:1, May-June) (Subba Reddy B)
- CCE - 02: Energy Sources, Power Transmission & Distribution (2:C, Aug-Dec) offered thro CCE-IISc, (Subba Reddy B)
- CCE - 09: Introduction to High Voltage Engg. (2:C, Aug-Dec) offered thro CCE-IISc, (Subba Reddy B)
- E5 210: High Voltage Testing Techniques (2:1, Jan-April) (L Satish & Subba Reddy B) offered during 2005-2011
- Three Short term Training programs on "SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS", during (1) 22nd to 26th Jan 2018, (2) 19th to 23rd Feb 2018 & (3) 19th to 23rd March 2018, Organised by Interdisciplinary center for Energy Research (ICER-IISc),sponsored by M/s Bharat Dynamics Ltd, Hyderabad for Faculty, Industry, utilities, self and unemployed personnel
(Course Coordinators: Dr. Subba Reddy B & Dr Praveen Ramamurthy)
- Short term Course on "Condition Monitoring, Diagnostics & Testing of High Voltage Apparatus", 3rd to 7th July 2017, Organised by CCE-IISc, under AICTE Quality Improvement Program (QIP) for Engg. College Faculty (Course Coordinator: Dr. Subba Reddy B)
- Short term Course on "Recent Advances in UHV Transmission & Distribution", 19th to 23rd Dec 2016, Organised by CCE-IISc, under AICTE QIP for Engg. College Faculty & participants of Industry /R & D /Utilities, (Course Coordinator: Dr. Subba Reddy B)
- Short Term Course on "Photovoltaics and Applications to Smart Grid", 18th to 22nd January 2016, Organised by CCE-IISc, under AICTE QIP for Engg. College Faculty & participants of Industry/R & D/Utilities, (Course Coordinators: Dr. Subba Reddy B & Dr. L Umanand, DESE IISc)
- EE Centenary National level workshop on "Recent Advances in HV Testing & Measurement Techniques",28th & 29th July 2011,Participants:Faculty,Industry,R & D and Utilities, (Course Coordinators: Dr Subba Reddy B, Prof L Satish & Prof Udaya Kumar)