Other Professional Activity
- Joint Secretary & Governing council Member, Instrument Society of India (2010-2013)
- General Secretary, Faculty Association, IISc, (2010-11 & 2011-2013).
Administrative activity involved earlier at IISc
- Member, IISc Holiday committee (2010-11 - 2013-14)
- Member, IISc House Allotment committee (2012-13)
- Member, Secretarial and laboratory staff evaluation committee (2017)
- Member, expert committee for solar PV installation at Challakere, IISc campus (2013-18)
- Member, Selection committee for recruitment of contract Security Assts, at IISc.
- Member, Evaluation of technical bids of the tenders (2016....
- Member, Evaluation of Registration of Contractors, IISc/Challekere campus (2018....
- Member, Central evaluation committee for Technical and office staff at IISc (2018..
- Member, Technical/Purchase committee for procurement at SERC, IISc.
Member of Committees outside IISc
- Member, Project Advisory committee: Income generation activities in Tribal dominated areas of Karnataka. (Sponsored by Karnataka State council for science & Technology)(Aug-2019...)
- Member, Technical Program committee, International Scientific Conf on Electrical Power Engg, Technical Univ of Ostrava, Czech Republic (2017, 2019).
- Member, Technical Program committee, International Conf on High Voltage Engg & Technology, CPRI Hyderabad (2015, 2019).
- Member, Technical Program committee IEEE Intl Conf on Condition assessment Techniques in Electrical systems (IEEE-CATCON) (2015, 2017).
- Member, Sub-Committee of the Organizing Committee for IISc Centenary Intl. Conference, December 2008.
- Member, Organizing Committee for EE Centenary Intl. Conference, December 2011.
- Member, Technical Program Committee, 10th IEEE-ICPADM conference, July 2012, CPRI, Bangalore, India.
- Member, Governing body, Board of Studies and Advisory board for many Engineering Institutes in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
- PhD Thesis Examiner, VTU Belgaum, JNTU Kakinada, JNTU Hyderabad, Kalasalingam Univ, Univ of Kerala, Anna University etc.
- Member, Selection / Promotion Review Committee, Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) Bangalore, India.
- Member, Evaluation Committee, for Administrative Staff of Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST) Bangalore.